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Being overweight

I had always known that I was a little on the chubby side, but what I wasn’t aware of was how much weight I was putting on as the years went on.

The year I went to visit friends in Canada this changed. Only these friends could get away with prodding my fat without hurting my feelings. We looked at old photos and the difference in my weight was startling. I knew there and then that if I continued the way I was my weight would become a health and self-esteem issue.


I tried a few different diets and none of these worked. After plenty of research it occurred to me that there were hundreds of diets and they all seemed to be a part of this huge melting pot of myths andfads. I tried a healthy diet and light exercise and this had some success for a few weeks, but I would plateau and put the weight back on and this was quite discouraging.

Calories in, Calories out

I knew to lose weight it was a matter of calories in calories out but I had not bothered to count calories, assuming that eating better and being more active would just burn fat.


After some persuasion I decided to calculate how many calories I should eat each day to lose weight, I also counted the calories in my food to ensure I ate less calories then my body required. This is how you force your body to burn fat. When your body does not have as much food (energy input) as the energy you are using (energy output), it has no choice but to call upon your energy stores i.e. your fat! This situation is called a calorie deficit.

Calories Eaten LESS THAN Calories Used = Calorie deficit

Creating the calorie deficit

I began to create a calorie deficit and after four weeks I lost 6 pounds. The next month I did not gain nor did I lose weight, it just fluctuated slightly and stayed around the 227-229 pound mark. This was discouraging, I could have done this with any old fad diet, but at least I had not put the weight back on.

Some more research and talking with fitness pros and the obvious came to my attention! If you weigh less, then your body now requires even fewer calories to function, and therefore even fewer calories to create a calorie deficit. What I had done was eat the number of calories to get my weight down by several pounds and to maintain that weight – that is why I had not put the weight back on.

Creating Healthy Weight Calculator

So now I knew that as I lost weight I would need to continue to reduce my calorie intake. I looked for tools and information to help me do this without spending money on a nutritionist and came up with very little.

So I started to make my own weight loss tracker that re-assessed the number of calories I would need to eat each time I weighed myself. It started off as a spreadsheet and each week I lost weight I calculated my calorie deficit for the next week. The weight loss continued and in 5 months I had lost 30 pounds.

Weight Loss Goals

I was so happy that this healthy approach of losing weight was giving me steady results and shared it with my friends. They told me their goal weight for a specific period of time. There were various reasons that determined people’s weight loss goals; weddings, holidays, summer etc. One thing was clear to me, goals motivate and help people to follow through with their weight loss.

I calculated the amount of calories they would need to eat each week and my friends started losing weight successfully!

The End Product!

Many discussions, calling upon experts for advice and a few weeks of programming later and we have the Healthy Weight Calculator that satisfies the primary requirements for well-informed weight loss.