Blazincurls's Profile


40, Female, Living Together, United States, Wisconsin
I'm still working on my profile.

Work a lot, multiple jobs. Long days up at 5am, to work by 6am - work until 8pm/9pm, takes a long time to wind down. Sleep from 11pm to 5am.

Avoid health concerns of older relatives, build self esteem & confidence.

Types of food available to me, lack of planning & motivation on my part, emotional eater, stress related eater. Searching for ways to eat healthier with my crazy schedule.

My fiancee, and younger family members. Hopes for a better, brighter future ability to hopefully get get pregnant myself when the time is right.

Just starting so trying to figure things out. Searching for ways other than food to cope with stress.

Family time, movies, tv, drawing, fb games like candy crush, time outdoors
