Diane52's Profile


55, Female, Seperated, Canada, Alberta
(ya'all will laugh) ~ What does not kill you will make you stronger!

I'm at a point in my life where I am happier and want to reflect that happiness in my health.

My weight gain started with the birth of my first child as with many women. Although in the beginning it wasn't severe and was easily managed. Sadly, my marriage was the biggest factors in my weight gain. Stress and misery where constant companions for nearly 20 years. I struggled with my weight, going on and off diets. I was on a roller coaster with my weight, going up and down in an endless circle.

When my marriage ended in 2016, I hit an all-time low. I was an older woman who had essentially been a stay-at-home mom with no career or education. At my heaviest weight, I was 235 lbs and started dieting again. Once I reached 190 lbs I had stalled. I began to become distracted by life and fell off my diet though I managed to keep my weight at 190.

One day recently, I stood on the scale again and was shocked to see the number '210'.

It was time a change happened.

I was angry and frustrated, not just at another weight gain but at myself. Life was not great, but it was so much better than it had been. I was happier. I was in a great relationship; there was no reason that I should be gaining weight except for not eating healthy.

I hated the idea of another freakin diet! Salad and more salad and then more salad! uhg! Well, what other way is there to lose weight except for diet and exercise. So I went on back on the diet that I had the most success with. The Keto diet.

I started on January 11, 2020, at 210lbs; today I weighed in at 189.8 lbs! But I am not only crediting the Keto diet for the loss this time, not even my willpower, though both are very BIG key points. I've written more about it in my profile question "What is your biggest weight-loss hurdle" If your interested in my experience you are welcome to read on. :)

I want to get in shape for myself alone. I'm not doing it for my boyfriend, not doing it for my kids; I'm doing it for me. Just me.

I want to be able to go hiking again without feeling like I'm having a stroke before I walk 300 ft.

How many times have I been on a diet? How many times have I just given up because I stalled or some dinner or special occasion came up? The answer is 'Sooooo many times!'

So, What is my biggest weight-loss hurdle?
Answer: The diet itself.

So, how do I stay on the diet? How do I make this the last diet I ever need? I wrote more about it in the websites next question 2 to me.

No one.

Simple as that. I mean there are so many motivational people out there. But all they do is make me envious. Maybe they inspire you. But all they do for me is make me jealous lol.

Don't get me wrong, I love hearing the stories and I think its fantastic! I really couldn't be happier for all who have accomplished their goals!

So how do I stay motivated?
Well, I guess its the feeling of feeling good. The energy I feel by losing weight, or even thinking about being able to go into a store and buying a dress that is a size or two or more smaller.

It is not the end goal that motivates me. It is the milestones. Any mini-goal that I set and reach gives me the inspiration to keep going; and, if a miss a goal, I am even more determined to get to it until I DO achieve it.

I have changed my mindset; my way of thinking and doing things.

My entire battle with weight loss has been focused around the words WEIGHT, EXERCISE, NUMBERS and the dreaded word DIET!

F- that!

Excuse my language, but I'm done with that. It hasn't worked for me in over 20 years! I finally understand what I've heard others say for so long. You can not JUST do weight loss or weight loss and exercise, you need to sustain it or you will be just like me, on a carousel of up and down numbers on a scale for years before you either die or wake up to reality.

In my opinion and mine alone as it works for me. You need to change your mindset. Yes.. to get to your ideal weight you need to cut the carbs, calories etc. but its more than that. You have to teach your mind and body to think and be different from what you are used to. So while I am adjusting my food intake to lose weight I am also teaching myself that DIET no longer means 'weight loss'. It means eating healthier and once I reach my goal; taking smaller portions of 'naughty' foods and not oink-ing out. Choosing low-carb foods or smaller portions of favs like 'bread'. Using my food apps to monitor what I am eating and making adjustments that work with my goals.

EXERCISE no longer means working out to the same exercise video over and over again or hitting the gym for an hour or two. It means, taking the dog for a walk every day. Going for a swim. Learning to ski. Walking around the neighbourhood and seeing what the Jones's have done to the yard. There's a life out there and I want to see it like I did when I was a kid. I'm 52 and time is flying by.

NUMBERS (although important) are not going to rule me anymore. They are what they are. Up, down, stall; it really doesn't make a difference so long as I am eating better and out enjoying life and following my food app goals. I'm not starving and I am out-and-about moving and doing things. The weight loss WILL happen because I am eating better and following my food guide and I am moving.

Yes, I still weigh myself, but its only a tool that I am using to adjust my food goals. It's not a punishment or a necessity. And, I only use it once a week first thing in the morning... after a bathroom break... before breakfast....naked. K, I'm still adjusting to this frame of thought, allow me some lead way :P

KeyPoints I use.

- plan my meals each day or week (nothing messes up food goals when your standing in the kitchen with nothing made up and a hamburger flooding your thoughts)
- accept that I am likely to be using food goal long past I achieve my end goal. Why? because I am changing my mindset to go from dieting to eating healthier.
- If I need a cheat day, I plan for it. For example, I will do a fast or lower carb intake or go for 2 walks a day for a day or two.
- If just can't help it and I cheat without planning for it. I don't berate myself for it or throw a fit of despair like I use too. I correct it. I will refer to the above step.
- Don't deny myself; just be responsible.

I don't know if this makes sense or if it helps anyone. But it is working for me. I am reaching my goals and I feel great! So, this is the path that I am choosing. No longer walking down the 'diet' road but enjoying the road to better eating habits and enjoying more activities outside.

Thank you if you have read this and I wish you the best of luck in what works for you. Hugs*

3D digital design, hiking, computers, the mountains, parks, nature - LIFE.
