looksfar's Profile


64, Female, Married, United States, Idaho
pack it out

i am an outdoorsman. i love the wilderness and quiet places. i am a forager, hunter, angler and i live off of the land as much as possible.

i retired 5 years ago from a demanding and stressful job. i moved to a remote place to heal my mind and now am ready to demand more of my physical self. i want to get back country fit and that means dropping pounds and building stamina.


i stay motivated by the simple fact that if i am unable to pack out my deer or elk i have no business hunting and i love to hunt. anyone who is living their dream inspires me.

just keeping it real. i don't like sweets so thats a plus.

the outdoors. i like home canning, smoking meats/fish, preserving foods foraged from the wild. i like to kayak and fish.
