mrsbushko's Profile


58, Female, Married, United States, Texas
Don't fry bacon naked

Mostly happy most of the time.

So nothing jiggles when I brush my teeth! So I don't have to buy bigger pants! Until I turned 40 I didn't gain weight except when pregnant and two years after the last one I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight.. I spent my teens and 20's at 135, then 30's at 140, then suddenly I was 160 all the way up to 183. I used HWC to loose 21lbs three years ago but it's been creeping back up due to connective tissue autoimmune disease and laziness, but that's my excuse because I'm still mobile and moving less weight is a good thing because my tendons and ligaments are made of paper.

Sweets. I love sweets.

My husband.

HWC and cardio, cardio cardio. It worked before and will work again, I'm sure. I'm still lifting weights (max deadlift 235lbs) and train twice a week despite a current issue with my elbow and shoulder. Weight training is vital to keeping bone density as well as a nice little feeling of accomplishment.

Baseball, football, hockey, swimming, gardening, birdwatching, weightlifting, crochet, WWI, WWII, collecting rubber duckies.
